Blogroll, Drumroll
This fellow Blogger blogger is well worth taking a look at if you're interested in science and technology (well, that's everybody, isn't it?). Not so much for the blog entries - which are interesting enough - but for the astonishing blogroll, which includes several hundred links to a wide variety of interesting-looking sites, all neatly categorised. I have literally never seen anything like it - but maybe I'm just provincial.
I found Al Fin - for such is its suitably gnomic moniker - through another site that is worth investigating. Called Postgenomic (well, with a name like that, I had to take a look), it "collates posts from life science blogs and then does useful and interesting things with that data" according to the site. The "interesting things" seem to amount largely to collation of data from various source; there is also a good blog list, though not quite as impressive as Al Fin's.