19 August 2008
13 October 2007
Exchanging Exchange for OpenChange
Because of its hooks into the rest of the stack, Exchange is one of the key programs for turning companies into Microsoft shops, so this could be quite important if it comes to fruition:
OpenChange aims to provide a portable Open Source implementation of Microsoft Exchange Server and Exchange protocols. Exchange is a groupware server designed to work with Microsoft Outlook, and providing features such as a messaging server, shared calendars, contact databases, public folders, notes and tasks.
We are working on two different aspects:
* Provide interoperability with Exchange protocols. This is the MAPI library development purpose (libmapi). MAPI stands for Messaging Application Programming Interface and is used within Microsoft Exchange. The OpenChange implementation provides a client-side library which can be used in existing messaging clients and offer native compatibility first with Exchange server; and in a near future with OpenChange server. As a proof of concept and in order to keep the implementation close to what developers shall expect, we are developing a gnome-evolution plugin which relies on libmapi.
* Provide a transparent replacement to Microsoft Exchange Server with native Exchange protocols support and direct communication with Microsoft Outlook. This basically means that OpenChange server won't need any plugin installation in Outlook. The server is tighly linked to Samba4 since it is developed as an endpoint module for smbd (the samba server daemon). One of the main objective with the server development is the abstraction layer architecture we are working on; it would not be sane for long term development either to rewrite a messaging server or to work with a single existing product. As a matter of fact, openchange should be able to run with any messaging server. For the first technical preview, we will surely orient the development towards a sqlite backend for testing purposes and a postfix one for production one.
(Via tecosystems.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:25 am
08 October 2007
Look, the Dinosaurs Are Mating
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:10 am
Labels: acquisitions, asteroid, businessobjects, sap, stack
26 July 2007
Another One Bites the Dust - Nicely
Here's double good news:
SugarCRM Inc., the world’s leading provider of commercial open source customer relationship management (CRM) software, today announced the upcoming release of Sugar Community Edition 5.0 will be licensed under the new Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL). The GPL is the most widely used free and open source (FOSS) license in the market.
Double because it sees yet another major open source enterprise stack company adopt the GNU GPL, and because it's gone straight to version 3, with no ifs and buts, which will only strengthen that licence's position. Interesting, too, Eben Moglen's quoted comments:
"We believe that sharing knowledge is good. We encourage other important free and open source software projects to take this step and join us in making better software."
Posted by
Glyn Moody
11:34 am
Labels: eben moglen, gnu gpl, gplv3, stack, sugarcrm
20 March 2007
In the (Marketing) Belly of the Beast
It's always a good idea to try to understand how Microsoft regards the world of free software, and there's no better way of doing that than reading its own materials aimed at beating open source. Here's a good example, called Linux Personas, which presents various kinds of GNU/Linux users and how to win them back to Windows.
Perhaps the most interesting category is the Linux Aficionado - hard-core open source geek, in other words. The two key approaches are the usual tired TCO studies - a pretty forlorn hope given the extent to which they have been debunked - and an argument based on the strength of Windows' integrated platform.
The latter has always truck me as one of the better points, since it is (currently) a key differentiator for Microsoft. I still don't see geeks going for it (their senior managers might, though). What's more important in this context, perhaps, is the rise of the open source stack, which effectively is building a counter-argument to this. (Via Slashdot.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:10 am
Labels: gnu/linux aficionado, microsoft, personas, stack, tco
15 March 2007
Red Hat Exchange: Apotheosis of the Stack
I've written several times on this blog and elsewhere about the rise of the open source enterprise stack. Its appearance signals both the increasing acceptance of a wide range of open source solutions in business, as well as the growing maturity of those different parts. Essentially, the rise of the stack represents part of a broader move to create an interdependent free software ecosystem.
Red Hat has been active in this area, notably through the acquisition of JBoss, but now it has gone even further with the announcement of its Red Hat Exchange:
Red Hat has worked with customers and partners to develop Red Hat Exchange (RHX), which provides pre-integrated business application software stacks including infrastructure software from Red Hat and business application software from Red Hat partners.
RHX is a single source for research, purchase, online fullfillment and support of open source and other commercial software business application stacks. Through RHX, customers will be able to acquire pre-integrated open source software solutions incorporating infrastructure software from Red Hat and business application software from Red Hat partners. Red Hat will provide a single point of delivery and support for all elements of the software stacks.
Through RHX, Red Hat seeks to reduce the complexity of deploying business applications and support the development of an active ecosystem of commercial open source business application partners. RHX will be available later this year.
It's obviously too early to tell how exactly this will work, and how much success it will have. But it's nonetheless an important signal that the open source enterprise stack and the associated ecosystem that feeds it are rapidly becoming two of the most vibrant ideas in the free software world.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:42 am
Labels: ecosystem, jboss, red hat, red hat exchange, rhx, stack
14 February 2007
Open Solutions Alliance
Another day, another open source organisation:
The Open Solutions Alliance consists of leading companies dedicated to making enterprise-class open source software solutions work together. We help customers put open source solutions to work by enabling application integration, certifying quality solutions, and promoting cooperation among open source developers. Membership is open to organizations that provide high-quality, business-ready open source solutions.
More specifically, it consists of companies like CentricCRM (customer relations management), Hyperic (systems management), JasperSoft (business intelligence) and OpenBravo (enterprise resource management), as well as more general open source players like CollabNet and SpikeSource.
What's striking about these is that together they form pretty much a complete open source enterprise stack of the kind I wrote about half a year ago. This is something we're going to see much more of, as individual open source companies start banding together to present a common front in order to satisfy the demands of large companies who want integrated, working solutions, not a ragtag bunch of codebases.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:52 pm
Labels: business intelligence, centriccrm, collabnet, crm, erp, hyperic, jaspersoft, openbravo, spikesource, stack, systems management
12 February 2007
IBM's Open Client Solution: Blue FOOGL
Here's an interesting move by IBM, what it calls a "flexible software stack":
IBM today unveiled a new Open Client Solution for customers of any size or industry so they can help their employees better collaborate, improve productivity, and lower the total cost of information technology ownership.
The solution addresses customer demand to improve interoperability and provide more choice to run different vendors' products that work together. Customers will now have the opportunity to run a mix of Lotus, open source, and other commercial software products - - running on either Linux, Microsoft Windows, or planned for later this year, Macintosh - - on PCs, desktops and other devices.
One of the key points seems strangely familiar:
Customers can benefit from the opportunity to make one investment in the single, flexible Open Client Solution, a more efficient alternative to vendor lock-in because only minor changes are typically required to run on different operating system platforms.
Further advancing the company's open standards push beyond Linux, customers will be afforded the freedom to choose from a variety of IBM technologies or Business Partner applications including: IBM Productivity tools that support the OASIS Open Document Format (ODF), the Firefox Web browser, Lotus Notes & Lotus Domino, Lotus Sametime and IBM WebSphere Portal v6 on Red Hat Desktop Linux suite, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.
Yup, it's the rare, Lesser Spotted Blue Foogl. (Via LXer.)
08 February 2007
The Other OSS Stack
I've written before about the growing enterprise open source stack, which pieces together disparate software to form a complete enterprise solution. Now here's a rather different kind of stack:
Canonical Ltd, the lead sponsor of the popular Ubuntu operating system, and Linspire, Inc. the developer of the commercial desktop Linux operating system of the same name, today announced plans for a technology partnership that integrates core competencies from each company into the other's open source Linux offerings.
Linspire will transition from Debian to Ubuntu as the base for their Linspire and Freespire desktop operating systems. (http://www.linspire.com/OSblocks). This will mean that Linspire users will benefit from Ubuntu's fast moving development cycles and focus on usability. The Freespire community will start seeing early releases of Freespire 2.0 based on Ubuntu in the first quarter of 2007, with the final release expected in the 2nd quarter of 2007, following the official release of Ubuntu 7.04 in April.
What this means in practice, as this neat diagram shows, is that Freespire, upon which Linspire is based, will now use Ubuntu as its own base. Since that, in its turn, is based on Debian (which Linspire used previously), we now have a neat stack of distributions, moving from Debian through Ubuntu and Freespire to Linspire, which progressively add more features - and take off more freedom as they add more proprietary code in one form or another. (Via DesktopLinux.com.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
4:04 pm
Labels: debian, enterprise software, freespire, GNU/Linux, linspire, stack, Ubuntu
29 January 2007
Pentaho - Tally-ho!
Talking of opening up:
I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but Pentaho has gone 100% open source.
Thanks to moves like this, the open source enterprise stack gets richer all the time.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:29 am
Labels: business intelligence, Matt Asay, pentaho, stack
21 November 2006
Sweet as Sugar FastStack
This kind of thing is the future of open source in business:
Sugar FastStack, a software support and delivery service that provides a fast and simple way to install a complete open source software solution, including Sugar software, the Apache Web Server, PHP and the MySQL database.
Out-of-the-box solutions, full of stack goodness. (Via TheOpenForce.com.)
18 October 2006
The Integrated Open Source Stack Meme
I noted previously that Red Hat has blessed the idea of the integrated open source stack; now Novell is doing the same, with the support of IBM.
And the meme marched on.
18 September 2006
Open Source Enterprise Stack: It's Official
I and several thousand other people have been writing about the open source enterprise stack for a while; now free software's Eminence Rouge has given its benediction:
Red Hat Application Stack is the first fully integrated open source stack. Simplified, delivered, and supported by the open source leader. It includes everything you need to run standards-based Web and enterprise applications. Red Hat Application Stack features Red Hat Enterprise Linux, JBoss Application Server with Tomcat, JBoss Hibernate, and a choice of open source databases: MySQL or PostgreSQL, and Apache Web Server.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
7:47 pm
Labels: apache, jboss, mysql, postgresql, red hat, stack, tomcat
11 July 2006
How the Stacks Stack Up
The ever-interesting Steven Vaughan-Nichols, who goes back a long way in the free software world, has a fascinating article about a comparison of two application stacks, one open source, the other from Microsoft. The results were surprising:
The tests showed that such vanilla LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/PERL) stacks as SLES (SUSE Enterprise Linux Server) 9, Zope, ZODB, and PHP and a pure LAMP based on SLES, produced "C" results. They weren't bad, but they weren't anywhere near as good as an out of the box .NET stack based on Windows Server 2003, IIS (Internet Information Server), SQL Server 2005, ASP (Active Server Pages), and SharePoint Portal Server 2003.
The results mirror those of the Mindcraft tests back in the late 1990s, when GNU/Linux found itself whupped by Microsoft. But the consequence was a range of improvements that soon took free software past Windows. However disappointing the current outcome for the stack tests may be, I'm sure that the same will happen here.
Remember: every bug report makes open source stronger, and the same goes for adverse benchmarks.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
11:55 am
Labels: .net, application stack, asp, iis, LAMP, linux, microsoft, mindcraft, mysql, perl, PHP, Python, sharepoint, sql server 2003, stack, steven vaughan-nichols, windows server 2003, zope
06 July 2006
Sun Gets Stack Love
After Larry "I'd like to have the complete stack" Ellison, it seems that Sun is joining the Club of Stack Love. Not such a daft idea, actually.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:41 pm
Labels: larry ellison, stack, sun
27 May 2006
Now It's Larry's Turn
I'm not a great fan of market research companies, but these studies certainly sound eminently sensible to me. No wonder Larry's desperately trying to crash the open source party.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:28 pm
Labels: larry ellison, market research, stack
10 May 2006
Open Knowledge Development
The Open Knowledge Foundation has some thoughts on the principles of open knowledge develoment:
Open knowledge means porting much more of the open source stack than just the idea of open licensing. It is about porting many of the processes and tools that attach to the open development process — the process enabled by the use of an open approach to knowledge production and distribution.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:26 am
Labels: distribution, open knowledge, stack
24 April 2006
Burning Down the House
After middleware, now business intelligence. Burning down the house (of closed source) - seeping up the stack.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:29 pm
Labels: business intelligence, larry ellison, middleware, stack
17 April 2006
Does Larry's Linux Stack Up?
The tantalising story in the FT that Oracle is ruminating upon acquiring one of the main GNU/Linux distributions - well, Novell - is bound to re-ignite speculation about Oracle's intentions and ultimate impact in this sector. An earlier rumour that Oracle was about to buy JBoss - obviously not true - led to a similar spate of comments, for example that Oracle was about to wipe out open source itself.
But as I wrote back then, it would seem that Larry Ellison really doesn't get this free software lark if he thinks he can wade in with a cheque-book and walk out with anything perdurable. Basically, the moment he tries to throw his weight around in any newly-acquired open source company, he will find that everything valuable in that company - its coders - will walk out of the door and work somewhere else (like Red Hat or IBM). So the idea he will snaffle up one of these cute little old GNU/Linuxes to complete his collection of netsuke rather misses the point.
What is really interesting about the FT story is that Mr. Ellison says "I’d like to have a complete stack." The stack refers to the complete set of software layers, starting at the bottom with the operating system, moving up through middleware and on to the applications. This shows that he may not quite understand the answer, but at least can articulate the question, which is: what does a software company do when the layers of the stack are commoditised one by one?
Things started even below the operating system, at the level of the network, when TCP/IP became the universal standard. But what many people forget is that once upon a time, there used to be three or four or more competing network standards, including Novell's IPX/SPX: it was Novell's dogged support for its protocols in the face of TCP/IP's ascendancy that nearly destroyed the company.
Similarly, not everyone today realises that once there were alternatives to the now-ubiquitous GNU/Linux operating system, including an older approach from a company called Microsoft, also destroyed by clinging too long to outdated closed-source solutions (this information sponsored by the year 2016).
What Ellison's comments indicate is that there is growing awareness that the free software approach is seeping inexorably up the stack. It will be interesting to see his response when it starts to dampen the application layer, and databases like Oracle's flagship start looking as soggy as IPX/SPX....
Update: There's a good table in this C|net article on how the competing stacks, er, stack up.