Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts

01 September 2010

Ukraine to Create is Own GNU/Linux Distro

I've been writing for a while about Russia's on-off idea of creating its own GNU/Linux distro. It looks like Ukraine is following suit. Via Google Translate:

its purpose is to optimize the expenditure of budgetary funds and the solution using unlicensed software in state bodies.

According to estimates from officials, the savings of switching apparatus to free software can be 87%.

Among the expected outcomes of the program - improving the legal framework of research on creation and use of open software infrastructure for its development, creation and dissemination, and coordination of state infrastructure using open source software in the bodies derzhvlady, a basic set of localized distribution, adapted to the needs of public authorities.

Let's hope it doesn't get so bogged down as the Russian one.

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28 November 2008

Microsoft Gets Busy in the Ukraine

There are so many high-profile battles for the soul of computing going on that it is easy to overlook what is happening in some of the world's by-ways. For example, the Ukraine does not often figure in Western reporting, but that does not mean that Microsoft is not busily trying to lock down that country's computing infrastructure:

«Майкрософт Украина» провела конференцию «Правительство XXI века», посвященную использованию информационных технологий в деятельности органов государственной власти и организации «электронного правительства»

В ходе конференции специалисты компании Microsoft и украинских компаний- партнеров рассказали о стратегическом походе к трансформации государственного управления при помощи информационных технологий, а также продемонстрировали лучшие примеры уже реализованных проектов в Украине и за рубежом. В конференции приняли участие более 130 представителей государственных учреждений и организаций, а также эксперты компании Microsoft.

Открывая конференцию, генеральный директор «Майкрософт Украина» Эрик Франке сказал: «У нас есть большой опыт успешного внедрения технологий и инновационных решений компании Microsoft для оптимизации работы правительств многих стран мира. После визита Стива Балмера в Киев в мае этого года мы подписали меморандумы с рядом министерств и ведомств и продолжаем плодотворные переговоры с Госдепартаментом интеллектуальной собственности. Я думаю, что мы на правильном пути».

[Via Google Translate: «Microsoft Ukraine» held a conference «Government XXI century», on the use of information technologies in government and the organization «e-government»

During the conference, experts of Microsoft and Ukrainian partners talked about the strategic campaign to transform public administration through information technology, but also demonstrated the best examples have already implemented projects in Ukraine and abroad. The conference was attended by over 130 representatives from government agencies and organizations, as well as experts from the company Microsoft.

Opening the conference, Director General of «Microsoft Ukraine» Eric Franke said: «We have a long experience of successful technologies and innovative solutions to Microsoft for optimizing performance of many countries in the world. Following the visit of Steve Balmera in Kiev in May this year, we signed MOUs with a number of ministries and departments, and continue fruitful negotiations with the State Department of Intellectual Property. I think we are on the right track»]

If Microsoft's boss in the Ukraine thinks they are on the "right track", this can only mean things are on the *wrong* track for free software there. Time to send in RMS....