Enter the Bio-Hackers
Let's hope there are some white hat bio-hackers working on this too....
open source, open genomics, open creation
Let's hope there are some white hat bio-hackers working on this too....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
3:38 pm
Labels: avian flu, bio-hacker, h5n1, open genomics, white hat
The only thing separating mankind from a pandemic that could kill 150 million people are a few changes in the RNA of the H5N1 avian 'flu virus. Those changes would make it easier for the virus to infect and pass between humans, rather than birds. Research into the causes of the high death-rate among those infected by the Spanish 'flu - which killed between 50 and 100 million people in 1918 and 1919, even though the world population was far lower then than now - shows that it was similar changes in a virus otherwise harmless to humans that made the Spanish 'flu so lethal.
The good news is that with modern sequencing technologies it is possible to track those changes as they happen, and to use this information to start preparing vaccines that are most likely to be effective against any eventual pandemic virus. As one recent paper on the subject put it:
monitoring of the sequences of viruses isolated in instances of bird-to-human transmission for genetic changes in key regions may enable us to track viruses years before they develop the capacity to replicate with high efficiency in humans.
Recombinomics is issuing a warning based on the identification of American sequences in the Qinghai strain of H5N1 isolated in Astrakhan, Russia. The presence of the America sequences in recent isolates in Astrakhan indicates H5N1 has already migrated to North America. The levels of H5N1 in indigenous species will be supplemented by new sequences migrating into North America in the upcoming months.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:46 am
Labels: astakhan, avian flu, data hoarding, h5n1, harry niman, nature, pandemic, qinghai, recombinomics, russia, spanish flu
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