Has Microsoft Got a Job for You...
Since it's Monday morning, I thought I'd start the week gently, with a little humour, courtesy of a Microsoft job ad. After all, who could read the following without laughing?
On Open Enterprise blog.
open source, open genomics, open creation
Since it's Monday morning, I thought I'd start the week gently, with a little humour, courtesy of a Microsoft job ad. After all, who could read the following without laughing?
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:24 am
Labels: computerworld uk, fud, intellectual monopolies, interoperability, jobs, Microsoft, open enterprise, truth
To the extent possible under law,
glyn moody
has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to
this work.
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United Kingdom.
1 comment:
I'd love the money, but I'm not that morally flexible.
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