10 January 2011

Interview with Meedabyte

I asked Glyn’s help to answer many questions that came to my mind in the latest few months that shown how tough the fight to keep the Internet Free and Freedom respecting will be in the future.

For them as might be interested in such things - with bonus Italian translation.

Follow me @glynmoody on Twitter or identi.ca.


PV said...

I don't know that the Internet is so much a Wild West as a reflection of the situation of Native American tribes prior to Europeans arriving in North America. Then as now, there were social mores that guided people's actions. Sure, there were a few minor disputes every now and again, but the reigning theme was relative peace and harmony. Native Americans didn't know what disease was, and the Internet doesn't know what restrictions like ACTA and COICA are. When those happen, I feel like while the Internet may become more ordered (to the MPAA/RIAA's liking), the original concept will die quickly, just as Native Americans died quickly when exposed to European diseases.
a Linux Mint user since 2009 May 1

Glyn Moody said...

@PV: great metaphor...deserves to be an article...

PV said...

Funny that you mention that - I was actually considering writing an article about that on my blog, but decided against it because I felt that lengthening it would open more holes in the argument.
a Linux Mint user since 2009 May 1

Glyn Moody said...

@PV: but that's what blog posts are *for*....