02 March 2008
01 March 2008
Elonex One Sighted
So now there's a Web site with some details.
Also worth taking a look at is this BBC video. One thing I noticed was the little stand to prop the macine up: this doesn't surprise me, since it looks slightly top heavy with its big screen and thin keyboard.
It's obviously slightly underpowered compared to the Asus Eee PC, but may well be "good enough", especially for the education market. I hope it does well, not least because it's innovative.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:51 pm
Microsoft's New Meme: "Marketplace Relevance"
Well, you can probably guess what Microsoft's Jason Matusow writes in his post about the Geneva BRM from the headline:
The Open XML Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) Was An Unqualified Success
That, of course, was to be expected. But what interests me is a new Microsoft meme that seems to hint at how they will try to play this going forward:
ISO/IEC standards are not only technically sound, but they should also be relevant to the marketplace.
* DIS 29500, as improved through the rigorous review of the past year and the decisions made by delegations during the BRM, is a specification that meets both bars of technical quality and marketplace relevance.
* Independent implementations of the specification are already available on most major operating systems platforms and in hundreds of applications. The statement that Open XML is about a single vendor is specious and empirically false.
* Open XML has brought more attention to, and interest in, international standardization than any specification in the history of the ICT industry. The reason for this is simple - greater openness in all document formats (not just Open XML) is a good thing for everyone. There is general recognition that there will be broad adoption of this format around the world. Open XML delivers on that promise and is part of the rich ecosystem of open document formats that are driving this issue forward.
* At the end of the day, customers should be able to choose the format(s) that best meet their needs and should not be told which technology to use. Open XML, as improved through the hard work of national bodies over the past year, is an attractive alternative for them.
This seems to be preparing the ground for an eventual rejection of OOXML. The line would be well, being an official ISO standard isn't *so* important: what matters is "marketplace relevance". And we all know what that means: just keep that status quo rolling...
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:46 am
Labels: brm, geneva, jason matusow, marketplace relevance, Microsoft, ooxml, status quo
29 February 2008
Geneva BRM Vote Result: It's Clearly "Zlthoy"
If anyone can make sense of what happened this week in Geneva during the BRM process it's Andy Updegrove. He has an unrivalled grasp of both standards in general and the specific background to the whole sorry business. So the fact that I don't really understand his post of what exactly the final result of the meeting was is a worrying indication that my brain has started to rot.
Here's the summary:
There are two ways in which you may hear the results of the BRM summarized by those that issue statements and press releases in the days to come. Perhaps inevitably, they are diametrically opposed, as has so often happened in the ODF - OOXML saga to date. Those results are as follows:
98.4% of the OOXML Proposed Dispositions were approved by a two to one majority at the BRM, validating OOXML
The OOXML Proposed Dispositions OOXML were overwhelmingly rejected by the delegations in attendance at the BRM, indicating the inability of OOXML to be adequately addressed within the "Fast Track" process
Oh, thanks, Andy. I think what I'm looking for here is a kind of Hegelian synthesis of those two contradictory statements.....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
5:40 pm
Labels: andy updegrove, brm, geneva, hegel, ooxml, synthesis, zlthoy
On Being Open
Interesting thoughts from Cory Ondrejka on the virtues of telling people what you're doing when you start a new company, rather than trying to keep everything secret:
It may seem slightly counterintuitive, but once you noodle on it a bit, being open is a tremendously positive and competitive move. It forces your ideas to survive far broader scrutiny, makes it easier to hire, and lets your early employees do what they want to be doing anyway: brag about their cool, new company.
He also makes another crucial point:
It’s similar to considering how to talk about competitors. Sure, having enemies can be motivational and useful when you are getting started, but you and your competitors are collaboratively shaping the landscape for your new companies. Spending time publicly bashing them makes you look like an ass and hurts your ability to work together down the road. It is rare for any sector to be winner-take-all – even eBay has competitors – and multiple, high-quality products in a space can help ensure the overall business grows far quicker than any one company could on its own.
Such "bashing" is much rarer in the open source world, since everyone is effectively working together - the code is open, after all. Your competitor is also your collaborator, since ideas - and even code - can generally flow freely between you.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
5:13 pm
Labels: bashing, collaboration, competitors, cory ondrejka, openness, secrecy, startups
Microsoft Using NGOs in India to Lobby for OOXML?
If this is true - and I have no reason to think it isn't - then I predict that it will come back to bite Microsoft very badly one day:
Mail from Microsoft India's Corporate Social Responsibility group to the NGO
As per our discussion please find attached the draft letters - please cut/edit/ delete and change it any which way you find useful. Also attached is the list of NGOs who have sent the letters. And attached is also a document that details wht (sic) this debate is all about. Look forward to hear from you in this regard. In case you decide to send the letters, can you please send me a scan of the singed (sic) letters that you send out. Thanks this will help me track the process.
Form letters on OOXML sent by Microsoft to NGOs
Mr. Jainder Singh, IAS
Department of IT
Ministry of Communications & IT,
Electronics Niketan
CGO Complex
New Delhi - 110 003
Respected Sir
Please write a paragraph about your organization
Please paraphrase "We support OXML as a standard that encourages multiplicity of choice and interoperability giving us the ultimate consumer the choice. * recognizes that multiple standards are good for the economy and also for technical innovation and progress in the country, especially for smaller organizations like us, who require choice and innovation"
Please write about your work
Please paraphrase "*** also supports OXML as this does not have any financial implications thus releasing our resources for welfare and development of society."
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Name Designation
(Via Open Source India.)
Do You Dare to Brainstorm?
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:17 pm
Labels: brainstorm, dell, ideastorm, open enterprise, Ubuntu
Sounding Off Against Sound Copyright
Talking of petitions, here's one against extending the copyright in sound recordings, open to anyone. It includes the following excellent summary of what we're fighting for:
Copyright is a bargain. In exchange for their investment in creating and distributing sound recordings to the public, copyright holders are granted a limited monopoly during which are allowed to control the use of those recordings. This includes the right to pursue anyone who uses their recordings without permission. But when this time is up, these works join Goethe, Hugo and Shakespeare in the proper place for all human culture – the public domain. In practice, because of repeated term extensions and the relatively short time in which sound recording techniques have been available, there are no public domain sound recordings.
This situation is about to change, as tracks from the first golden age of recorded sound reach the end of their copyright term. The public domain is about to benefit from its half of this bargain. Seminal soul, reggae, and rock and roll recordings will soon be freed from legal restrictions, allowing anyone (including the performers themselves and their heirs) to preserve, reissue, and remix them.
Major record labels want to keep control of sound recordings well beyond the current 50 year term so that they can continue to make marginal profits from the few recordings that are still commercially viable half a century after they were laid down. Yet if the balance of copyright tips in their favour, it will damage the music industry as a whole, and also individual artists, libraries, academics, businesses and the public.
The labels lobby for change, but have yet to publicly present any compelling economic evidence to support their case. What evidence does exist shows clearly that extending term will discourage innovation, stunt the reissues market, and irrevocably damage future artists' and the general public's access to their cultural heritage.
As Europe looks to the creative industries for its economic future, it is faced with a choice. It can agree to extend the copyright term in sound recordings for the sake of a few major record labels. Or it can allow sound recordings to enter the public domain at the end of fifty years for the benefit of future innovation, future prosperity and the public good.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:51 pm
Labels: e-petitions, eu, goethe, hugo, remixing, shakespeare, sound copyright
Everyone Loves an Open Source Hacker
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:47 pm
Labels: hackers, open enterprise, salaries
End Software Patents Now!
One of the most remarkable - and heartening - changes in recent years has been in the attitude to software patents. Until a few years back, there was a certain fatalism regarding these particularly pernicious intellectual monopolies, as if they belonged, with death and taxes, to the inevitable and immutable. But people have started fighting back, both in terms of seeking to have patents revoked, and trying to get the entire category abolished.
The latest manifestation of this is the End Software Patents site:
Every company is in the software business, which means that every company has software liability. We estimate $11.4 billion a year is spent on software patent litigation (see our resources for economists page), and not just by Microsoft and IBM—The Green Bay Packers, Kraft Foods, and Ford Motor are facing software patent infringement lawsuits for their use of the standard software necessary for running a modern business.
Software innovation happens without government intervention. Virtually all of the technologies you use now, was developed before software was widely viewed as patentable. The Web, email, your word processor and spreadsheet program, instant messaging, or even more technical features like the psychoachoustic encoding and Huffman compression underlying the MP3 standard—all of it was originally developed by enthusiastic programmers, many of whom have formed successful business around such software, none of whom asked the government for a monopoly. So if software authors have a proven track-record of innovation without patents, why force them to use patents? What is the gain from billions of dollars in patent litigation?
Best of all on what is sure to become one of the central sites in the fight against patents, are the resources. Even though I follow this area closely, I was amazed at just how much hard evidence there is that software patents are harmful from just about every point of view. Victory just got closer.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:11 pm
Labels: bad patents, end software patents, intellectual monopolies, software patents
Google Sites – Not Your Father's JotSpot
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:52 am
Labels: collaboration, google, google pages, google sites, jotspot, wiki
WaveMaker Visual Ajax Studio Goes AGPL
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:50 am
Labels: agpl, gnu affero gpl, open enterprise, visual ajax, wavemaker
Not That They're Desperate or Anything
In what may be an unprecedented decision, Microsoft said Thursday that it plans to lower the retail prices for several flavors of Windows Vista.
For those in the U.S., Microsoft is cutting prices only on the higher-end versions of Vista, and only for the upgrade version used to move from an earlier copy of Vista. The suggested price for Vista Ultimate drops to $219 from $299, while Home Premium falls to $129, from $159.
A dog is still a dog, even it costs less.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:13 am
Labels: desperation, dog, Microsoft, vista
28 February 2008
Just How Healthy Will Google Health Be?
Ah, yes, Google Health:
Due to the sensitive and personal nature of the data that will be stored in Google Health, we need to conduct our health service with the same privacy, security, and integrity users have come to expect in all our services. Google Health will protect the privacy of your health information by giving you complete control over your data. We won't sell or share your data without your explicit permission. Our privacy policy and practices have been developed in thoughtful collaboration with experts from the Google Health Advisory Council.
All highly laudable.
So what happens when somebody turns up on Google's doorstep with a warrant, demanding information about an individual? Presumably, it will fight. And what happens when somebody *doesn't* turn up on Google's doorstep with a warrant, but just wants a quiet chat about the records of someone who is - because the US government says they are, but can't reveal the details because it's a state secret - a terrible wicked evil terrorist, and anyway has a funny-sounding name? Will it fight for them, too?
Posted by
Glyn Moody
4:38 pm
Labels: google health, privacy, terrorist, us, warrants
Why Microsoft's New EU Fine is Just Fine
On Linux Journal.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:45 pm
We 'Umbly Petition....
I'm not sure that these e-petitions do any good, but since they exist, it seems churlish not to use them. Here's another one Brits may be interested in signing:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to not force internet service providers to act as legal representatives for the RIAA and be treated like a common courier.
I think they meant "not to force" and "carrier", but I doubt Gordon's going to be paying that much attention....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:44 am
Labels: common carrier, gordon brown, isps, p2p, prime minister, riaa
27 February 2008
What Windows Server 2008 Learned from OSS
Fascinating stuff from Microsoft's Sam Ramji:
When I think about what works really well in open source development and technology, the following things stand out:
* Modular architectures
You can find these wherever you see participation at scale – and often a rearchitecture to a more modular system precedes expanded participation. Great examples of this are Firefox, OpenOffice, and X11 – from both the historical rearchitecture and the increased participation that resulted. The Apache HTTP server and APR are good examples that have been modular for as long as I can recall.
* Programming language agnostic
A given project uses a consistent language, but there are no rules on what languages are in scope or out of scope. Being open to more languages means opportunity to attract more developers – the diversity of PHP/Perl/Python/Java has been a core driver in the success of a number of projects including Linux.
* Feedback-driven development
The “power user” as product manager is a powerful shift in how to build and tune software – and this class of users includes developers who are not committing code back, but instead submitting CRs and defects – resulting in a product that better fits its end users.
* Built-for-purpose systems
Most frequently seen in applications of Linux, the ability to build a system that has just what is needed to fulfill its role and nothing else (think of highly customizable distributions like Gentoo or BusyBox, as well as fully custom deployments).
* Sysadmins who write code
The ability of a skilled system administrator to write the “last mile” code means that they can make a technology work in their particular environment efficiently and often provide good feedback to developers. This is so fundamental to Unix and Linux environments that most sysadmins are competent programmers.
* Standards-based communication
Whether the standard is something from the IETF or W3C, or simply the implementation code itself, where these are used projects are more successful (think of Asterisk and IAX2) and attract a larger ecosystem of software around them.
What's interesting about this is not that it's astute analysis - which it is - but that Ramji doesn't mind making it public while admitting that Windows is learning from open source. Of course, it would be stupid not to, but it's nonetheless an important sign of how things are finally changing at Microsoft that it's prepared to trumpet the fact - and of the irreistible rise of the open source way.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
7:11 pm
Labels: Microsoft, modularity, sam ramji, windows server 2008
Privacy Trumps Copyright in EU?
This could be big:
Today the German Constitutional Court decided that the state may not engage in surreptitious surveillance of information technology systems. The case, a constitutional complaint against a law permitting such surveillance by intelligence services, was decided on the basis of a new human right in the confidentiality and integrity of information technology systems.
The decision may have a dramatic impact in relation to the constitutionality of protected rights management information systems deemed to protect copyright. Where a supplier of copyright works manipulates data stored on a customers computer, or where personal data are being collected in order to allow the right holder to trace the use of works supplied online, it appears that if the customer can invoke the new right there is little left to argue for right holders that such means are necessary to protect copyright.
Now let's watch this ripple through the European Union until it reaches that nice Mr Brown and his plans to get heavy with ISPs over alleged copyright infringements on their networks....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
5:54 pm
Labels: copyright, eu, gordon brown, privacy
MySQL's Disappearing Anti-Patent Page
Here's a troubling observation:
Go to the MySQL Web site and try to click on the MySQL anti-software patent page, and you won't find it. It's the other shoe dropping as MySQL today became part of Sun Microsystems, which like the rest of the commercial software and services industry, considers software patents a necessary evil.
Let's hope this isn't part of a larger trend at the new MySQL....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
3:51 pm
Labels: mysql, software patents, sun
Free As in ...."Free Love"?
Techdirt's Mike Masnick pointed to yet another exploration of free as a business model. It's called "Free Love":
which is all about the ongoing rise of 'free stuff', and the brands already making the most it. Not to mention the millions of consumers who are happily getting into a free-for-all mindset. Yes, expectations are being set. Absorb and apply!
In fact, this is probably the best round-up to date of all the different kinds of free business models. It had all the ones I had come across, and many I hadn't.
Mike concludes his post with an excellent - and self-referential - point:
It's neat to see all of these different things come out at the same time -- once again highlighting the concept that ideas generally aren't formed in a vacuum. The trends that resulted in so many people recognizing the same thing at once are all around us. Yet, if we believed in the world where artificial scarcity rules, then we'd be focused on who "owned" this concept and who got the rights every time someone else mentioned it. That, of course, would be silly. By allowing so many different people to express these concepts, not only do we all get to see different perspectives on the same concept, but we get to learn from each other and build on these ideas.
Peace, man.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:41 pm
Labels: artificial scarcity, free love, free stuff, mike masnick, self-referential, techdirt
Hardware's Race to the Bottom
I've written several times about the importance of the Asus Eee PC; here's another way of looking at it:
At Sony's annual Open House event, Sony's IT product division senior vice president Mike Abary said if the Asus Eee PC starts to do well, it could potentially shift the entire notebook industry into a race to the bottom.
If mainstream PC buyers start to find their needs met by a lightweight, simply featured, inexpensive portable, it's likely to impel all of the major players in the industry to pile on by lowering their prices.
This, of course, is precisely what open source has done to proprietary code, so it's interesting to see the same happening to hardware, again driven by free software.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:03 am
Labels: asus, asus eee pc, hardware, pc, race to the bottom, sony, ultraportable
26 February 2008
The Council of the EU is Barking
Want some amusement? Try this, which comes from the Council of the EU:
In order to succeed in the transition to a highly competitive knowledge economy, the European Union needs to create a "fifth freedom" - the free movement of knowledge. Member States and the Commission are invited to deepen their dialogue and expand their cooperation in order to further identify and remove obstacles to the cross-border mobility of knowledge.
Now, the easiest and most obvious way of removing "obstacles to the cross-border mobility of knowledge" would, of course, be to mandate open access.
Of which there is no mention whatsoever in said communication. (Via Open Access News.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:53 pm
Labels: barking, council of the eu, fifth freedom, open access
Broadcast Treaty Threatened Again
This idea died at WIPO, and should now be laid to rest with the canonical stake through its heart:
in view of a standstill in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) negotiations on a convention on neighbouring rights of broadcasting organisations, the Committee of Ministers has asked the Council of Europe body entrusted with developing standards on freedom of expression, media and new communication services - the Steering Committee on the Media and New Communication Services (CDMC) - to take stock of the situation and, if justified, to elaborate a draft Council of Europe convention designed to reinforce the protection of those rights (near copyright of broadcast signals). Such a convention would add to existing Council of Europe instruments on this and related subjects, which include a number of recommendations and declarations as well as a 1994 convention relating to questions on copyright law and neighbouring rights in the framework of transfrontier broadcasting by satellite and the 2001 convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access.
(Via IP Justice.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:31 pm
Labels: broadcast treaty, copryight, council of europe
Open Enterprise Interview: Ivo Jansch
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:51 am
Labels: holland, interviews, ivo jansch, open enterprise, PHP, Zend
The Chumby Era Begins
Today is a Chumbylicious day:
Chumby Industries announced today the public launch of the chumby, its much-anticipated compact consumer Internet device that enables people to receive a constant personalized broadcast of their favorite parts of the Web. The chumby device is currently available in the U.S. at www.chumby.com for $179.95 including shipping.
A little bigger than a coffee cup, the Wi-Fi connected chumby provides people with a fun, hassle-free way to enjoy what they want most out of the Internet at a glance and wake up to thousands of different streaming Internet radio stations, custom "alarm tones," videos and more. With a large and growing base of content from the Internet, including the latest news, weather and entertainment, as well as the ability to share photos, widgets and e-cards with family and friends, the chumby is one of the most versatile and lifestyle-friendly Internet enabled devices on the market today.
One reason why it is so versatile is that it runs GNU/Linux and is designed to be hacked. Here's what Linux Journal had to say on the subject:
“Chumby Industries was formed by hackers who wanted to create something interesting, useful and different. The starting point was the humble clock radio”, its creators explain. Since then, Chumby has evolved from a clock in a cushion to an Any-purpose Net-native Linux device. That's any with a capital A, because the Chumby is built to be hackable at every level, including the physical. Not only does it sense motions and squeezings, but it also hosts an assortment of charms, through its “outerware API”. The charms and much more about the Chumby were designed by Susan Kare (who designed the original desktop icons for the Macintosh and Windows, among too many other things to mention). Susan is Creative Director for Chumby. The company might be cuddly, but it means business too.
And if that's not enough, one of the founders of Chumby is Bunnie Huang, ace hardware hacker. I'm sure that the Chumby will not only be hugely successful, but will spawn an entire industry of configurable consumer widgets.
The only blemish is that you can't currently buy the Chumby outside the US.....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:19 am
Labels: bunnie huang, chumby, GNU/Linux, linux journal, outerware, susan kare, us, widgets