More OOXML Goodness
I predict we will get plenty more like this:
The Swedish Institute of Standards (SIS) has invalidated the vote that controversially approved the OOXML standard at a meeting this week.
The organisation issued a statement saying that it had seen evidence suggesting one of the participants in the workgroup had broken the rules and voted with more than one vote. This procedural irregularity, and not any concerns over the merit of the OOMXL proposal, is the only reason behind the decision, the group said.
Nice one.
That's interesting. The link reports a voting "with more than one vote" irregularity. I'm hearing much worse. I'm hearing a Microsoft-offers-financial-rewards-to-its-certified-partners-in-exchange-for-a-favorable-vote-producing-a-mass- last-second-insurgence-of-"Yes"-voters-showing-up kinda irregularity. Jason Matusow of MS is having a fun time dealing with this over at his blog. Gotta give him credit even though his take on things is fluffy. If I was him, I'd want to put my head in the sand and not even come up for air.
Oops, I should read the entire article before commenting. It does mention the late registration of YES voters. Though I wonder if, unofficially, that did have an impact on SIS abstaining.
If that doesn't get mentioned as an official reason, the multi-vote irregularity seems to let MS off a little easy...
And now the Swedish fiasco seems to be having a ripple effect over in Denmark...
As I wrote, this will run and run - and Microsoft will begin to look very foolish - even to those who might otherwise by favourably inclined towards it....
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