Japan Falls Back on the "Terrorist" Trope
Godwin's Law states:
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
I'd like to propose Moody's Law as a variant:
"When governments can't come up with a real argument, they invoke terrorism."
And here we have it from the Japanese authorities:
Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen japanischen Walfängern und Tierschützern ist erneut eskaliert: Die Organisation Sea Shepherd hat ein Walfangschiff mit Buttersäure beworfen. Die Aktivisten sprechen von harmlosen Stinkbomben, Japans Regierung von einem Terrorangriff.
[The confrontation between the Japanese whalers and animal rights activists has escalated again: the Sea Shepherd Organisation has thrown Butyric Acid at a whaling ship. Activities speak of "harmless stinkbombs", the Japanese government of a "terror attack."]
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