India's $10 Laptop
"The government aims to provide 10-dollar laptops to students and research in this direction is on," said D Purandeshwari, Minister of State for Human Resources Development in New Delhi.
Well, at that price, it won't be running Windows - unless Microsoft prices it *negatively*, which it might be driven to.... (Via Valleywag.)
Update: A real bargain: only $10, free misprint included.
They are so full of it.
Er, sorry, who is full of what (a confused blogger writes)?
Perhaps it's more of an American expression?
I just think they are all talk. If they make a $10 laptop, it will be years down the road, and after other manufacturers beat them to it. It would be more reasonable if instead of calling it a "$10 laptop", they called it "our own $100 laptop which will one day be a $10 laptop when other manufacturers are there as well."
I see - thanks.
Well, the important thing is that somebody gets there. Maybe setting long-term goals like this are valuable in this sense.
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