Good Signals from WIPO
We're not there yet, but things are looking much better on the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty front than anyone could have reasonably expected:
The negotiations have been tough (we hear), but the 2007 WIPO General Assemblies have come to a close with two huge victories for the public interest. On the Broadcasting Treaty, while the GA agreed to convene a Diplomatic Conference in November/December 2007, we now have two welcome safeguards in place
In particular:
It has also been decided that the [Broadcasting] treaty will now take a signal-based approach instead of the messy, dangerous rights-based approach that is used in the current treaty text. This, too, is good news for the Internet community, and reflects the concerns raised by many WIPO member countries at last month's meeting. There's much support for narrowing the treaty's overbroad scope to signal protection. The key question will now be how the next treaty draft reflects this in practice.
Fingers crossed. (Via Ars Technica.)
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