Just One Word: Why?
What do you get when you combine OpenSolaris, the GNU utilities, and Ubuntu? Nexenta -- a GNU-based open source operating system built on top of the OpenSolaris kernel and runtime.
Yes, fascinating, but why bother?
open source, open genomics, open creation
What do you get when you combine OpenSolaris, the GNU utilities, and Ubuntu? Nexenta -- a GNU-based open source operating system built on top of the OpenSolaris kernel and runtime.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:09 am
Labels: GNU, nexenta, opensolaris, Ubuntu
To the extent possible under law,
glyn moody
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United Kingdom.
Because of ZFS,SMF,Dtrace,BrandZ,Zones! Linux do NOT have it.
True: but could that be because Sun hasn't released them as open source, which would have been a better solution than releasing this camel?
It appears you're behind the times. All of the above said technologies are in open-source under the CDDL license. Before spreading 'myths' you should spend a little time understanding OpenSolaris (http://www.opensolaris.org) program. Specifically the source code browser where you can see with your own eyes all the code laid bare.
You're right that I am behind the times: I don't claim to know OpenSolaris (I have enough trouble keeping on top of GNU/Linux). But I was merely commenting on the previous comment, which suggested that they were not open source.
If they are, then presumably they can be ported to GNU/Linux: I know that there are incompatibilities between the GNU GPL and CDDL, but I think only for modules - http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html. I'd be interested to know if this is the case or not - any ideas?
It's also a matter of choice, you use GNU/_Linux_, why would GNU/_Solaris_ also not be a valid choice.
I personally love the GNU product suite, great tools that make POSIX based/like systems much better!
But most long (long) time UNIX developers like myself will have reservations about certain aspect of the Linux kernel, and most kernels in general. Each have their strengths and weakness. Discussed at length all over the web.
Personally I always recommended my clients build Solaris based systems and compile the GNU and other open source tools on top of that.
Essentially, like any disto producer, this is what the Nexenta people have done. For users without the skills to build and environment from source code, this is a valuable service and having choice of kernels is important!!!
(Sydney, Australia)
I agree, choice is good, but it can also be dissipative in terms of effort. I just wonder whether it might be better for people to concentrate on GNU/Linux in terms of moving free software forward. Although Sun has made some great contributions in this sphere, it's also true that it has had (and probably still has) rather ambivalent feelings towards the usurper.
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