BBC Gets Some Things - Like YouTube
Elsewhere, I've criticised the BBC for its all-too eager embrace of Windows DRM. But in some respects, some of its top people understand the new dynamics:
The BBC has struck a content deal with YouTube, the web's most popular video sharing website, owned by Google.
Mr Highfield said the BBC would not be hunting down all BBC-copyrighted clips already uploaded by YouTube members - although it would reserve the right to swap poor quality clips with the real thing, or to have content removed that infringed other people's copyright, like sport, or that had been edited or altered in a way that would damage the BBC's brand.
"We don't want to be overzealous, a lot of the material on YouTube is good promotional content for us," he said.
"We don't want to be overzealous, a lot of the material on YouTube is good promotional content for us,"
Would that our mafiaa's (RIAA, MPAA) over here in the US could recognize the intelligence and sanity of that position.
I think they will in the end - but getting there will be painful....
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