Be Afraid, Credit Card, Be Very Afraid has finally opened its DRM-free Mp3 store. Prices aren't that wonderful (yet), but the convenience is dangerously appealing.... (Via paidContent.)
open source, open genomics, open creation has finally opened its DRM-free Mp3 store. Prices aren't that wonderful (yet), but the convenience is dangerously appealing.... (Via paidContent.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:49 pm
Labels: Amazon, drm-free, mp3, music downloads
To the extent possible under law,
glyn moody
has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to
this work.
This work is published from:
United Kingdom.
Credit card? Ahem. Not long before this gem is modified for the UK site, I'm sure...
(I seem to be back, by the way. I'll call).
Yes, not quite what RMS had in mind when he invented "free" software.
Er, is that a nascent fishy *blog* I see before my eyes....?
Well... Not exactly, no. I obviously can't comment on products or services before they're officially announced, but consider it a marketing support exercise rather than a blog, as such. Consider, too, that I am absolutely on Samuel Johnson's side when it comes to this writing lark: make of that what you will.
I do hope all that is sufficiently gnomic for you...
Er, that you get paid in fish?
I should be so lucky.
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