The Perils of Following @glynmoody
just unfollowed @glynmoody; not cause he's nothing interesting to say, the opposite, too much interesting stuff; will stick to his blog now
You have been warned, people....
open source, open genomics, open creation
just unfollowed @glynmoody; not cause he's nothing interesting to say, the opposite, too much interesting stuff; will stick to his blog now
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:54 pm
Labels: following, surfeit, twitter, unfollowing
To the extent possible under law,
glyn moody
has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to
this work.
This work is published from:
United Kingdom.
At the risk of being regarded as attempting to curry favour through unconscionable flattery, I can sympathize with the unsubscriber. I've never considered signing off though, I think of your Twitter feed as a news application in its own right.
Even so, he makes a good point. Please consider the effect your feed has on those of us more easily distracted! ;-)
@Roger: have no fear: since I have no favour that can be curried (or cooked in any other matter, come to that), your comment can be taken at face value. For which thanks.
I had the same problem subscribing to Ray Beckerman's Twitter feed ... I do actually read my feed, y'know!
@David: yes, his is even more frightening than mine...
Fortunately there's RaysTechLawHash feed for those of us whose Twitter bandwidth is maxed out by his fire hydrant.
And Glyn don't listen to them. Your s/n ratio is just right.
@Crosbie: thanks for both of those
Glyn can be as prolific as he wants, and what makes Glyn tick is an innate curiosity on how the world can be a better place. The only tweets I avoid is by some users who tell me about their meals and sunsets and traffic jams. That's just noise to me.
Besides, as a Nobel Prize winner, Fields Medal winner, and World Cup football champion, Glyn can tweet and blog until his fingers bleed! (Glyn's too modest to brag.)
@zaine: I think you're confusing me with my evil twin brother...
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