BT Learns It's Fun to Share with Fon
BT and FON have joined forces to create a Wi-Fi community that allows its members to connect for free in thousands of places around the UK and the world.
Two things strike me: that BT has effectively sanctioned the use of its data network for Fon connections - and hence validated the whole Fon idea; and that the (revolutionary) idea that everyone gains if everyone shares is being promoted by one of the largest and most traditional companies in the UK. We're making progress.
What annoyed me about this announcement was that we set-up an ISP two years ago ( here in the UK with explicit Ts & Cs that allow you to do FON over your broadband.
We tried many times to get a sensible dialogue going with Fon but they dis'ed us completely.
Guess we just weren't "big enough".
I sympathise, but it's not hard to see why they might have made the effort for BT...
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