More Kudos to Auntie
Another sign that at least some people at the BBC get it.
There's a good post by Paul Mason about user-generated versions of sporting events (I gather there's something of the kind going on somewhere at the moment). He points out that all sorts of content are starting to turn up on YouTube. I was particularly struck by this paragraph:
Other spin-off coverage is the rise of the montage-to-music genre of football imagery to make a point. This excellent lament by a S Korea fan of their trouncing by Switzerland is a case in point....though because it is composed of copyright images you will have to click thru to it rather than running it on this site...
This treads a fine line: it doesn't directly take on the copyright thugs, but it certainly doesn't condemn what's going on either. Obviously, a high-profile institution like the BBC has to be careful, but this sensible, moderate approach augurs well for the future. (Via TechDirt.)
Glynn hello - actually the beeb is deeply into creative commons and I am sure if they had shot the footage used in the montage I linked to, they would have no problem ppl mashing it up and reuising it themselves. That is the new beeb philosophy: however the problem is the increasing claims of IPR ownership by sports clubs etc, so that even if we shoot the footage, they claim "image rights". Anyway, do you remember me from CW? CHeers Paul
Yes, I know - and appreciate - the Beeb's moves in this sphere. As for CW, I remember the name, but can't quite place what you did there....
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