Why the Post Office Thinks It's 1998
You may find it hard to believe the Post Office is closing down vast numbers of its local branches that everyone wants to use, but I think I've discovered the reason why: it is so out of touch it doesn't even know what the date is.
It seems to think it's 1998 - you know, those far-off, fabled times, when people wrote Web sites that only worked with Internet Explorer. Like this one, say, which gives the following helpful message when you view it with Firefox:
This website is best viewed on Internet Explorer version 5.3 or above
Watch out, little Post Office, I've heard a terrible rumour that the 21st century is hurtling towards you....
According to whois, the domain name pofssavecredit.co.uk is registered by the Bank of Ireland, not the Post Office.
c.f. an email I received this week from a Financial Services provider who currently provide the majority of my products (pension, investments).
"Could you please ensure that you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser. If you are using a different web browser, you will be unable to register online. We currently only support Internet Explorer 6 and above. Please also ensure that you are using a PC, not an Apple Mac. PC is the only format that we currently support."
I use Ubuntu, so I sent them an appropriately worded email expressing my approval that they have such a modern, forward-thinking policy to supporting the web.
Constant dripping....
sorry about the delay - Google is eating comments....
@rod - presumably the BoI is running it, so the blame is shared...
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