Those Who Have Nothing to Hide...
Ha! Brilliant:
I’ve been asked to say a few words about the disappearance of a computer hard drive containing the personal details of about 100,000 of the Armed Forces. The information was being held by EDS, which is the Ministry of Defence’s main IT contractor.
I can confirm the disk was not encrypted. We have not[h]ing to hide from whoever stole it, and therefore nothing to fear.
This bit made me laugh :
Furthermore, we have well-rehearsed procedures for playing down the importance of such incidents, and launching the requisite internal enquiries to establish the precise chain events leading up to the loss. This has been refined over the course of 658 laptop losses and the reported losses of 26 portable memory sticks so far this year.
In true gov't style this reads like the MOD is far more interested in covering up the data losses, then in actually doing anything about them!
Also 658 laptop losses this year!!!
It's brilliant parody - let's hope they turn it into a musical....
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