Тaking the War against Terror to a New Level...
..of utter, inane stupidity. Here's the grand summing-up of Brown's "new level":
Terrorism threatens the rights that all in this country should hold dear, including the most fundamental human right of all - the right to life. We know that terrorists will keep on trying to strike and that protecting Britain against this threat remains our most important job.
That tired old Blairite trope: the "right to life" as the "the most fundamental human right of all". Except that it's not a *right*: do I have a right to life when I'm suffering from a terminal disease? Do I have a right to life when I'm 123 years old? Do I have a right to life when the Sun explodes? "Right to life": an idiotic meme, which certainly has no "right to life".
What he should have said is this:
This government threatens the rights that all in this country should hold dear, including the most fundamental human right of all - freedom. We know that this government will keep on trying to strike and that protecting Britain against this threat remains your most important job.
And there was I thinking that the greatest threat to civilisation was posed by a small organisation called AIGFP, led by Joseph Cassano.
*Do* pay attention at the back, please.
PM Hacker: "But Bernard, this says absolutely nothing at all!"
Bernard Woolley: "Why, thank you prime minister".
Well, I think it's *less* than zero, and insulting to boot: as if anyone could take such vacuous, hypocritical platitudes seriously.
The way things seem to be heading over there, you might be better off letting the terrorists win. :)
The sad thing is, they *have* won, because Brown et al. insists on living in a state of craven terror.
Yes. They are the terrorists and have the Freedom to manipulate their expenses to suit themselves.(just like the banks). p
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