UK Pupils to Learn How to Be Spied On
Here are two interesting stories:
First, the government wants children to use social networking sites like Twitter:
Children will no longer have to study the Victorians or the second world war under proposals to overhaul the primary school curriculum, the Guardian has learned.
However, the draft plans will require children to master Twitter and Wikipedia and give teachers far more freedom to decide what youngsters should be concentrating on in classes.
Second, the government wants to monitor social networking sites like Twitter:
Social networking sites like Facebook could be monitored by the UK government under proposals to make them keep details of users' contacts.
Putting these together, we can deduce that UK government has decided that passively monitoring people isn't enough: now it's time actively to train future generations in the fine art of being spied upon.
Follow me on Twitter @glynmoody
Wow, reducing knowledge of history while increasing state control. What could possible go wrong?
I feel a well known adage coming on: "He who has no knowledge of history, is bound to repeat it". Or words to that effect.
Just wait until she has her own private army.
Quite - frightening, isn't it?
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