UKPMC: A Name to Remember
If, like me, you're a fan of PubMed Central, and you live in Europe, here's some good news: UK PubMed Central has just opened, providing a local mirror. And if you're not yet a fan, do take a look at the large and growing holdings of biomedical titles, many of them fully open access. Here's what the press release says:
Initially UKPMC mirrors the American PubMed Central database (hosted by the NCBI at NIH). From today, UK scientists will also be able to submit their research outputs for inclusion in UKPMC. Through 2007, and beyond, the partners will develop innovative tools for UKPMC to further support biomedical research. In this way, UKPMC will grow into a unique online resource representing the UK’s biomedical research output.
(Via Open Access News.)
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